Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Never say someone is bad

Never say someone is bad Never say someone is bad

I am bad I am bad

I am bad I am bad

Leave? What isLeave?


Friday, April 20, 2012

Facebook-Connect Down

In this early morning, some of the sites of my company were using facebook-connect is not working anymore.

At 11:30am, facebook has updated their platform status with the current status as the image shows as follows.

Yes, and I was looking solution from the facebook developers group and I found out one of the member posted the cache link http://f.cl.ly/items/3C2B3m1t0P0Z2s1V1E2U/all.js and finally problems resolved.  Yet, some of the sites might not working with the cache link it is because it is a distributed server.

Hope it helps!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Why Workplace Should Allow Social Networking Site Freely Access

Many CEOs forbid use of social media at work, but recent research shows that web surfing leads to increased productivity.

This Keas infographic explores the benefits of social media in the workplace, showing that social connections make people happier and a brief recess involving Internet-browsing increases productivity.

An Academy of Management experiment gave three groups of people — a control group bundling sticks, a group taking an Internet-free break and a group browsing the Internet for 10 minutes — the simple task of highlighting as many letter A’s as they could among 2,000 words of text.

The three groups then had their mental exhaustion measured. Those browsing the Internet were 16% more productive than the Internet-free break group and 39% more productive than the control group.

source from Mashable | read more at http://on.mash.to/HBVdyI