Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cammi Tse (謝芷蕙) will go for virginity test to prove her innocence

Cammi Tse, the 16-year-old model whom Edison Chen dated, will go for a virginity test to prove her innocence.

The Form Four student also denied the actor has in possession a two-minute sex video clip of her.

But her statements contradicted what her said in an interview with Sudden Weekly magazine earlier.

According to the latest edition of the Hong Kong magazine, Cammi had complained that Edison took away her virginity.

Although she did not say 'Yes', Cammi cried out loud and nodded her head when the question was posted to her, the magazine said.
It also reported that she said the actor-singer had taken a sex video clip of her.

"He wanted to take the video, told me it was for the company," she told the magazine.

But a day later, Cammi denied making the allegations, saying she would go for a virginity test if necessary.

source: The Daily Chili

*Note: The contents above doesn't belongs to the author.

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