Sunday, November 6, 2011

How the Guy Fawkes masks inspired by a graphic novel became the symbol of anti-greed protests across the globe

Saturday, November 5, is Guy Fawkes Day in Britain marking the day he tried to blow up Parliament.  It is also known as Bonfire Night, a celebration involving fireworks, bonfires and children having fun.  Four hundred years later Guy Fawkes's face is now a global symbol of protest with the Occupy movement.

Vienna: Protesters take over the downtown area in Occupy Vienna on the global day of rage on October 15

Lisbon: A demonstrator at the Portuguese parliament on October 15

Across the continents: Protesters don the masks in Frankfurt, Germany, and, right, Seattle

Hong Kong: The movement stretched to Fat East on October 15

read more and see more pictures at

source: The UK Mail

*Note: The contents above doesn't belongs to the author.

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