Sunday, November 6, 2011

Justin Bieber fan Mariah Yeater, who claims to be mother of star's baby, pointed finger at two other men first

Mariah Yeater, the female fan who says she gave birth to Justin ­Bieber’s love child, ­accused two other men of being the father ­BEFORE pointing the finger at the pop star, a friend has claimed.

The allegations cast ­serious doubts over her legal claim against the 17-year-old singer – who she is demanding takes a DNA test.

Miss Yeater first said ­her ex John Terranova was the biological dad, then said it was a secret lover named “Steve”.

It was only after her son Tristyn Anthony Markhouse Yeater was born in July that she claimed Bieber was the real dad in court papers seeking £170,000 (Approx. RM850,000) a month from him in child support.

But the Sunday Mirror has tracked down Miss Yeater’s friends in Las Vegas, who say the 20-year-old mum has a “troubled relationship with the truth”,­ and that they don’t know what to ­believe.

One said: “I saw Mariah four months ago – just before she gave birth – and she said she thought her boyfriend John was the baby’s father. But she also said Steve might be the real dad.”

Miss Yeater claims her baby was conceived after a 30-second romp with Bieber backstage after his show at the Staples Centre, LA, on October 25 last year.

But soon after falling pregnant, Mariah turned up at ex-boyfriend John’s house in Las Vegas and said HE was going to be a dad. The 19-year-old said he ­initially believed her claims, as he had been dating her for four years before she moved to California.

But when he checked the dates he realised it was impossible for him to be the child’s ­father.

Last night John said he was convinced his ex was also lying about Bieber being the father.

“I know it’s not Justin Bieber. She just wants money,” he said.


source: Mirror UK

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