Friday, November 4, 2011

Mark Zuckerberg voted 9th most powerful in the world

The question, then, is just how much people ought to be shivering at the idea that Forbes has declared Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg the ninth most powerful person in the world.
Yes, it seems there are only eight people alive who can stop him in his quest to control precisely everything.

Who, of those eight, might be prepared to do it? At No. 1 is President Barack Obama. But he seems pleasantly disposed to Zuckerberg. They've even had dinner together.

This merely leaves Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Hu Jintao, Germany's Angela Merkel, Bill Gates, the King of Saudi Arabia, the Pope, and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

Some might have imagined that Bill Gates would still be competitive enough to halt the lone fellow techie in the top 10. Then they might remember that Microsoft has money in Facebook.


source: CNet

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