Friday, November 4, 2011

'Reckless' schoolboy, 15, stabs teenage father to death after hiding knife in his lunchbox

A 15-year-old schoolboy  who packed a knife in his lunchbox was locked up for seven  years  yesterday for killing an older teenager who had been annoying him.

Jordan Shaw stabbed Joey Smith, 18, through the heart after they were seen pushing each other ‘like stags’ in the street.

He had earlier boasted of his intention to ‘stab a lad who was pissing him off’ and had been picking on him, Sheffield Crown Court was told.

The judge described Shaw, who has a history of violence, as ‘utterly reckless’, giving him a ten-year ‘extended’ sentence of which he will serve seven years in detention and the rest on licence.

The teenager was cleared of  murder by a jury and convicted of manslaughter after a two-week trial.

Judge Alan Goldsack ordered that the under-age defendant should no longer enjoy the protection of anonymity and said he posed a ‘significant risk of causing serious harm’ by committing further offences.

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